people rant

wtf whiny facebook users

The problem with facebook users is the same problem that plagues america. They are a whiny bunch of self-entitled brats that love to complain about everything and do/give absolutely nothing. Sitting on your ass at home playing farmville all day and collecting unemployment (if filing the paperwork wasn’t too much trouble) and then wondering why the economy isn’t recovering and the house you put 0 down on is underwater. The free ride that was the housing bubble has ended. America didn’t become a superpower by complaining so loud that other countries gave us handouts to shut us up. We should rewards people with skills, talent and the ability to innovate, but instead we celebrate stupidity. I’m tired of all the whining when two seconds of self reflection would show people what the problem is. So why am I complaining about facebook users? Because their narcissism thrives in the facebook environment and civility is quite often thrown out the window because of the most trivial things. I don’t want to make this a broad, over-generalization about the 500million members, so let me clarify. There is a noisy, obnoxious subset that whines the loudest and probably spews 90% of the rubbish clogging up news feeds and walls. wtf is your problem whiny facebook user because I’ve really had it with your ungrateful attitude.

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