me: just what I always wanted to do – follow the dmv on f$%#ing twitter.
friend: seriously?
friend: wtf
me: yes.
me: and watch the dmv on youtube.
me: i would rather remove a testicle with a spork from KFC.
friend: but probably not the best thing they could do to fix their shit atm
me: holy f$%# – can i please like them on facebook.
friend: lol
me: 1,119 like this
me: all state employees probably.
friend: probably heh
me: what an exciting post – It is very dangerous & unlawful if you pass a vehicle on a two lane highway without sufficient clearance.
me: oh, and there is a link to the state vehicle code. doesn’t get much cooler than that.
SERIOUSLY – California is going to have a $25 billion shortfall and the state is paying someone to do social media for the DMV?! WTF! Of all the things the California DMV needs to do to improve its image, I really don’t think “connecting” is one of them.